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Product Subtotal
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money, 12th Edition Kidwell, Blackwell, Whidbee, Sias Instructor Solution Manual  × 1 $30.00
Introduction to Criminal Justice, 8e Robert M. Bohm ,Keith N. Haley, Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
PrideFerrell's Marketing 2018, 19th Edition William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell Instructor Manual  × 1 $42.00
Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis Text and Cases, 12th Edition Schroeder, Clark, Cathey Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
Financial Accounting, 10th Edition Weygandt, Kieso, Kimmel Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
Connect Core Concepts in Health. Brief, 14e Paul M. Insel, Roth T. Walton Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
Subtotal $192.00
Total $192.00

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