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The Psychology of Sex and Gender 1st Edition by Jennifer Katherine Bosson Test Bank ( SAGE publisher)  × 1 $30.00
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 6e Canadian edition Richard Brealey Test Bank PDF  × 1 $30.00
Horngrens Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis, 16E Srikant M. Datar Madhav V. Rajan Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
Operations and Supply Chain Management, 9th Edition Russell, Taylor Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
M Marketing, 5e Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy, Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
Software Engineering, 9th Edition Ian Sommerville Instructor Solutions Manual  × 1 $30.00
Transportation A Supply Chain Perspective, 7th Edition John J. Coyle, Robert A. Novack, Brian Gibson, Edward J. Bardi Instructors Manual  × 1 $30.00
Biology The Core Eric J. Simon Test Bank  × 1 $33.60
Subtotal $243.60
Total $243.60

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