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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 7e A. Noe, R. Hollenbeck, Gerhart, M. Wright, Test Bank  × 1 $31.20
America The Essential Learning Edition 1st E. Shi ,Brown Tindall ,Anderson , Lee Test Bank ( Norton Publisher )  × 1 $30.00
Microeconomics and Behavior, 9e Robert H. Frank Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
A Guide to MySQL, 1st Edition, Pratt, Last, Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
Organization Development and Change, 10th Edition Thomas G. Cummings, Christopher G. Worley IM w Case Teaching Notes  × 1 $30.00
Global Strategy, 3rd Edition Mike W. Peng Test Bank  × 1 $30.00
Subtotal $181.20
Total $181.20

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